August 4, 2016

Day 37 - Albany Yacht Club, NY

Note:  This posting is a day late, sorry!

We are getting into the habit of early starts but we delayed a little this morning to let some of the fog lift and to let the turn turn a bit.  This was the view at 0615 this morning

NOAA is itself and through contracts surveying the Hudson in this area to alleviate the passage of span parts of the Tappan Zee Bridge construction.  The bridge is being constructed just south of Albany and shipped down by barge.  The surveys will allow barges more freedom to manoeuvre out of the channel when necessary.

One of many quite elaborate Hudson light houses:

We see loads of barges on the Hudson but few ships.  Today we got a couple during some of the narrowest sections.

Here we are, tied up at Albany Yacht Club.  We have learned that Erie locks 11 and 12 are impassable until "further notice".  This allows us to proceed only to Schenectady tomorrow.  I called the lock and was assured they would reopen in a few days but couldn't say exactly when.

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