August 12, 2016

Day 45 - Rockport, ON, Canada

I knew the wind was going to raise today so we decided to make an early start at 0540.  Otherwise we would be delaying by a day or more.  It was dark when I uncovered the panel and dropped the window screens.  But plenty light by the time we cast off.

We had a bit of a rolly crossing with 3 foot quartering seas most of the way which the autopilot hated,

Pop up thunderstorms were being announced on both Coast Guard radios all day.  We managed to evade all of them until docking.

This was us passing Cornwall's Tavern...and us after we docked in a very brisk off-the-dock wind!

Home at last.  A great trip with very few issues to deal with for a change.  Here is our track with each colour representing one day of cruising.

Tomorrow we take Spook to the vet to try to get to the bottom of her problems.  Fingers crossed.

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