April 12, 2014

A Newsworthy Day

I like to get up early and enjoy the sunrise.  You've seen the pictures.  The Marsh Harbour ferry was an early visitor to us at Hope Town Marina this morning.  I only realised he was here when I heard him maneuvering in front of our boat.  He was getting closer and closer so I went outside to take a closer look.  Jon and Janice were still in bed in the forward cabin.  And that's when the ferry captain decided he had enough room to power out of the fairway.  Mistakenly.  His stern took my anchor and anchor roller and ripped it out of the bow a bit!

So now I have a repair to arrange for!

But later, I had occasion to feel proud.  Jon rose to Gary's 5 cocktail challenge.

And, regrettably our friends from our twin boat joined us to watch...

You have to have one of each of the Hope Town Lodge's five signature cocktails to obtain the certificate of accomplishment.  Jon was up to it.

Not only did he achieve this landmark but he made his own photo op too!

Just makes a father proud eh?

And today the weather was the worst we have seen in months.  Cloudy, cool and rainy.
It was still a fun day.

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