April 2, 2014

Debbie leaves and L L Sea arrives

On Debby's last day we ran over to the Lodge for lunch.  From the restaurant you can see the coral reef just off the beach.

We enjoyed supper at Harbour's Edge.

Jo was feeling little pain as we departed back to the boat.

And, once more, the sun set on another great day in the Bahamas.

Debby left the next morning and arrived safely back in Ottawa.

"L L Sea" arrived in Hope Town Marina.  We had met them in Thunderbolt and saw their boat but not them in River Forest Marina.  They are only here for a few days and leave today.  But we had some great times with them here.  Steve and Barbara are a fun couple and Steve's ability to tell hilarious stories kept us at the bar for quite a while last night.

Bon Voyage guys!  Hope we catch up with you again.

This week a number of boats left the marina to head back to the US and Canada.  Some taking their boats with them and some leaving them in storage locally.  We particularly enjoyed Ben and Margaret's company and their gracious hospitality when we arrived.  They are great ambassadors for the Marsh Harbour Yacht Club of which we are all members.

The clientele here changes over the next few weeks to folks coming in from the US to sport fish off the coast.  All to make life interesting as we enjoy the quiet retirement life until Jon and Janice arrive in a week or so.

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