April 13, 2014

Rolling in the Deep

Yesterday was a bust for snorkeling with our new camera - too cold and windy.  We tried again today.  First, Katie served us some refreshments.

Then Jon and I dove in.  The water was a bit murky from the tide change but here's a couple of pictures:

The camera is great!  Thanks Jon, Catherine and Elizabeth.  Very cool present, much appreciated by us both.

Poor Spooky has been a bit abandoned while Jon and Janice are here.  Add to that, Jerome and Janice arriving on a boat identical to ours and, well, here's what happened.  

I took Spooky for a harnessed walk and she got totally confused when we walked down our old finger (remember we just moved over?) and found the same make and model of boat with different people on board.  

That pretty much blew her mind.

Shortly after I brought Spooky back shaking her head, Jo left the door open and Spooky took the opportunity and headed over on her own to investigate this clear case of parallel universes.

The poor girl went aboard Sweet Escape and just couldn't wrap her mind around what she was seeing.  Jo retrieved Spooky so she could come home and rest her aching head.

Poor thing.  By the way, Sweet Escape, you need a better Canadian flag!

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