April 23, 2014

The repair men cometh...

 Today the guys arrived to repair the damage done by the Albury Ferry to my anchor. 

There are eight bolts which had been damaged, sheared or simply ripped out of the deck.  To repair it the damaged area has to be ground away until fresh, undamaged fibreglass is showing.  This creates a lot of dust which is not pleasant and has to be contained. They created a tent using a tarp to contain and redirect the dust.

Throughout the process Spooky kept a close eye on everything.

Here's the result of the lay-up.  The furry stuff is chopped-strand mat wetted with resin into the holes ground down previously.  Today they will grind this down to level of the surrounding surface and finish with gelcoat.


  1. Spooky looks pretty traumatized by the whole ordeal! lol... And I see she has found a new place to hang out ;) xo

  2. Glad spooky likes the microfiber cloth that I left behind...


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