April 2, 2014

Snorkeling at the Lodge

Steve and Barbara cruised out at noon.  We decided to have lunch at the boat (!) and then to go over in the dinghy to the Lodge, have a beer and wine and go snorkeling as it was such a nice day.  Well, one of us got as far as the wine and Gary's quick wit and repartee.

So I went snorkeling!  Then Jo took a walk along the beach looking for sea glass.

Perfect day, weather-wise.  About 80F and moderate humidity.  The sea was warm and the pool, to wash the salt off,  was warmer for a change.

Jo cooked two great steaks - a perfect end to the day.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous day! :) Do you have an underwater camera? Would love to see some of the fish etc you are seeing :)
    Love you guys! xoxo


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