April 14, 2011

Almost back on Schedule!

We left Titusville at 0730 this morning and planed at 20 kots where ever we were allowed to.  At that rate we needed fuel at Titusville where the marina guy informed us that most of the trip to Jacksonville was low speed zones.  I checked the routing and found we could get into the Atlantic at Ponce de Leon and back in at St Augustine.  So that is what we did.  We ran just over a mile offshore in 1 to 2 foot waves at 20 knots.  We tied up here in St Augustine Municipal Marina at 1845.  My original schedule had us in Jacksonville at this point but if the weather holds we will run offshore again and easily meet the rendezvous in Charleston.  

Touch wood.


  1. Excellent news! Fingers are crossed for continued good weather!

  2. Good to hear, glad everything is A.OK now

  3. Sounds great! Martin is on his way. He left late this morning and is staying in Hazelton, PA tonight.


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