April 19, 2011

Still in Charlotte.

I found the company that did the original canvas on this boat and have them doing a new set.  The existing canvas is in a useable but very worn state and will be torn to shreds in the first bad storm.  They also did the windshield cover that protects the interior from direct sun.  They are doing that as well.  The neat thing is that they already have the patterns so they can make it and bring it to install rather than having to make patterns first.  That stuff will be delivered in a week's time.  The props and shaft should be pulled today or tomorrow.  In the meantime I am living here with Jon and Janice waiting to here news of the condition of the boat.

1 comment:

  1. Fingers still crossed Dad ;-) And meanwhile try and relax a little. Did you get the same color for the canvas?
    xoxo Catherine


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