April 12, 2011

Good News!

Pantropic Caterpillar in Fort Myers was able to send a technician who was an expert on these particular engines.  He found the fault and we found the part at a local Caterpillar dealer.  Just a $20 relay and, yes, I did buy a spare one. Our mechanic had correctly diagnosed the problem over the phone with me but I had switched over the wrong relay from starboard to port. The boat is ready to go.

Just as an aside, the marina has a courtesy car here called "Gloria".  It is a 70s vintage Cadillac limo said to have been owned by the Vanderbilts.

So we stayed two days longer than planned but we could have been in a much worse place.

Jon and I just reprovisioned and we will set off again in the morning.  Most of the run to Charleston looks pretty open so I might be able to make up the time by burning more diesel!  Once Jon has done a 4pm conference call...

... the bar calls.

Looking forward to getting back under way........


  1. Absolutely thrilled the problem has been found and fixed! -JT

  2. I am glad to hear and see that things turned out MUCH better than expected! Be careful of the gators! And hopefully talk tomorrow night :-) xoxo. P.S. Jon, Scott like O4O ;-)

  3. glad things with the engine worked out, looks like you guys are having a good time. next time you make a pit stop at the bar, have a drink for me. I can't wait to get on the boat, the boys are going to love jumping off the swim platform!

  4. The name looks fabulous by the way :-)


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