April 9, 2011

Day One

We made it through the first lock on the Okeechobee.  Just a bit ahead of schedule.  All seems ok.  Fuelled up in Fort Myers ($$$) and the autopilot seems to hold a course if it doesn't do anything else.  Tied up in a very nice park for $24 - with power.  

Good progress so far.


  1. Um, do you have an autopilot gadget or is that code word for Dad? :) Hope the weather stays nice xoxo

  2. 13 days.................

  3. Woo Hoo - finally can post comments! Thanks Catherine!!

  4. ;-) you're welcome xoxo

  5. What wildlife have you seen? Frogs keep you up at night? Mullett jumping? See any manatee? Thinking of you two- have fun :) Jennifer & Brian


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