April 15, 2011

This will be short...

...because I am not in the mood to write more.  After making up almost all of our time we hit an uncharted sand bar today.  We were beached well and good for a couple of hours.  It felt like I hit rocks - we were doing 20 knots.  I made my first Mayday call and was convinced initially we were going down.  Once we knew it was a sand bar and found the hull had not been holed things got a little better.  We are currently under tow to a service marina to be hauled to see what happened.  I know the left prop shaft is vibrating.  The starboard may be ok.  I can't imagine the props won't be a mess.  We have spares fortunately.


  1. Oh boy!! Sorry Dad :( Fingers crossed... again... hopefully things only come in 3's ~ The generator (easy fix), the engine ~ fairly easy fix, and this... hopefully not more damage than the props!! xoxo

  2. So sorry to hear the news, Keith. Glad no one was hurt, and you didn't take on any water. I spoke with Martin, and he may get here either tonight or the morning, depending on the storm coming in tonight. We could always head down tomorrow once he's here and bring anything you need. Perhaps some Johnny Walker black label? Or is it red label? I can never remember. Perhaps I'll play it safe and bring both.


  3. hey kt it's brennie
    hope things are ok and you get back on track soon!
    i'm sure the girl will have a drink (or two) for you tonite, cuz they are coming here
    oh oh here they come, they are arriving

  4. WOW!!! Good thing you are someone who keeps their chin up - not out!! I am certain things will be fine with your overseeing the issues. You are in our hearts and minds!

    Larry +


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