April 30, 2011

Another day, another State

Well we lost two weeks but today we made out of Florida and bypassed Georgia into South Carolina.  The boat is running well.  We ran offshore up to 5 miles in very benign seas and made Beaufort just after the marina closed. But we called by cell and had the details. We are tied up on the face dock ready to refuel in the morning.  Jo is cooking smoked salmon pasta after we have had a couple of glasses of wine.  All is well.


When we come back in a few years we will enjoy these places.  Very friendly folks.


  1. Good to hear of a great day!

    Your lookin' good there Sis! Maybe you ar what was needed to get this Odyssey back on track.

    Keith, it is good hearing you back in an upbeat mode!

  2. Glad to hear all good for day 1 with you both on the Dream Weaver :) Is that Spook's life jacket around Jo's neck? lol I think not, but could be ;-) lol Now THOSE are pics I can not wait to see!!! :)

    Love you guys and talk to you tomorrow :) xoxo


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