March 29, 2014

A tour of Elbow Cay

Yesterday we rented  a golf cart to go tour Elbow Cay.  $50 for 24 hours gets you a 4 seat gas powered cart that might do 15mph if you're lucky.  The roads here aren't good for much more that that!

First stop the hardware store, known, strangely, as Imports Unlimited.  The store had everything you could imagine in a very small space.  I picked up a gallon of Muriatic Acid which is invaluable on board to dissolve any unwanted solids in pipes etc., without dissolving the pipes etc.

Yesterday the winds were easterly so the Atlantic side was brisk, relatively speaking, and the Abaco side was smooth and warm.

Debby flagged down a gold cart driver and asked him to take the camera.

Here is Tahiti Beach at the very southern tip of Elbow Cay on the Abaco side

Next was Firefly for lunch and cocktails.

Firefly has its own brand of dogs.  Friendly muts.

We toured around many streets and came across the Madigan's Octagon house. Sorry, no picture.  Some very interesting properties on Elbow.  We also dropped into the grocery store followed by the Liquor store for some provisions.

Earlier the day before I visited Monica for a hair cut.  Here's Jo's before and after pictures. 

You can see the difference can't you?

Today we will have a shot at dinghying to Cracker P's on Lubbers Quarters.  Hopefully the wind and waves will allow!

Update:  No go.  Went to the Lodge for lunch instead.


  1. Looks like a good day :) Hair is a little short. but you look awesome as always :) xoxo

  2. Wow! The tour you had looks amazing. I bet the golf cart ride made it even more enjoyable, as you got to enjoy the open breeze and scenery while being wheeled away by it. Anyway, all of you seem to have had a lot of fun. It definitely shows on the photos you took! I hope you get to enjoy more vacations like that as often as possible. All the best! :)

    Keith Edwards @ APEX Chargers


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