March 6, 2014

Back on the Atlantic Coast

Sorry for the delay in posting.

The Okeechobee lake crossing was perfect again.  This will be the third time we have crossed, without delay, in flat calm conditions.  So much so this time I decided to run the autopilot compass swing calibration en route.  I have been intending to do this since we got the boat but never quite got around to it.  Why bother?  It means I can set the autopilot course exactly to the charted course at any compass point without errors.

We stopped at River Forrest again for the night.  This guy managed to get himself caught on the dock concrete:

It's a Florida Soft-shell Turtle.  I picked it up and took it where it could see the water and put it down where it could make it's way there.  It scampered off in that direction immediately. I poured myself a wine for my good deed!

The following morning we headed off for Riviera Beach and our launch point for the Bahamas. We gave Eric a shout out as we came through Stuart.  You have to move on Eric!

Usual views en route with the occasional humongous home..

...and interesting buildings, like this candy coloured high rise:

Once in the Cannonsport Marina (current and wind made for interesting control problems as we tried to tie on to the pilings) we relaxed.

Well, Jo did.  I took a few pictures of the colourful hulls of the sport-fish boats that surrounded us

As for heading over to the Bahamas, the weather forecast got steadily worse.  We heard from Saving Grace that their crossing that day, in what was forecast as very quiet, was brutal.  It looks like we are here for a few days.  

Jon is stopping by after a business meeting here today.  Chilled wine is in the fridge.


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