March 27, 2014

The Day Before Saving Grace left....

In going through my phone photos I realised I had some from the day before the Grace Team departed.  We went out for drinks and supper. First to the Abaco Inn and then we watched the sun set from the water and then we went to Captain Jack's.

But first, the 'Grace Team had gone to Cracker P's for lunch and then came back to pick us up around 4pm. Jo and I do not know what happened there but spirits were good on the Grace Team.

At her request we stopped by the Lighthouse marina so Brandy could pick up a beer and we set off for the Abaco Inn.

At the Abaco Inn we set up at the bar...

The girls of legal age set about a few Rum Punches and took roadies and Grace on a beach walk

As sunset approached we headed out for Hope Town for supper but stopped en route to watch the sun set. It was another spectacular one in paradise.

I forgot to mention that more Rum Punch roadies were obtained before we left the Abaco Inn.

The sun rose this morning and then it set and there it was: gone.

 I won't go in to what happened at Captain Jack's but it was another of those days when someone suggested she and I have Tequila shooters.  And we had a few.  Guess who "she" was?

It was a wonderfully fitting end to our second trip with the Saving Grace Team.  Love you all!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jo and Keith

    It looks like you had a lot of fun with the Grace Team. I am sure they will miss you as much as you will miss them. Keith I hope you didn't encounter too much difficulty keeping up with my beautiful girl !!!! Hi Jo, how is the yoga going?


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