March 3, 2014


On the way from Fort Myers to Clewiston today, Jo saw her first two gators.  At least she now believes they are here!

This area, in the very middle of Florida, is teeming with birds of all shapes and sizes.  We spent a while with the bird-book figuring out the different brands.

We docked in Clewiston.  Jo had three different versions the famous Gator Bite at the Tiki Bar.  But before that she picked out an iguana on a rock.  I was damned if I could see it but the photo proved it:

You can see it, right?  It moved and I saw it.

Then Bubba came along and scared it away...

Good eye, Jo.  Not the first time she has seen something I missed!

Tomorrow we cross Okeechobee Lake and get out of cousin country.  Oops, was that out loud?

1 comment:

  1. The pics are awesome! :) So you named the second iguana Bubba...what was the first one's name? :) ... Is Jo keeping a close eye on Spooky since seeing the gators? and bird species not brands ;) xoxo


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