November 17, 2013

Beaufort and Savannah

Not much to say about Beaufort.  Spent far too many hours in Luther's bar with Joe.  

Moving quickly on...

Joe and Brandy decided to spend another day in Beaufort and to slow down, in general.  We will meet them in Savannah and then push on to Jon's place.  We will reconnect with Saving Grace when we cross over to the Bahamas.

We left Beaufort at 0845 (High Tide).  We enjoyed a push from the outflowing tide most of the day.  We also spent a couple of hours in thick fog as we worked across the many inlets through Hilton Head.

We are definitely moving in the right direction as we now see wild Palms!

 Much of the Intra Coastal Waterway around here is made from sections of pre-existing rivers linked by new cuts.  The problem with these is that they tend to shoal at the cut junction with the rivers.  Groundings are commonplace.  We passed one sailboat that was hard aground waiting for the high tide to lift him off.  The Coast Guard flew over to check him out.

We chose a marina just south of Savannah downtown.  It turned out to be a shipyard as well but for some rather exotic yachts.  We sat in the marina section but overlooked some very expensive hardware.

This is Blue Moon".  She is a 198 foot Feadship. You can charter her from here.

Much more interesting is this drop-dead gorgeous 1949 sail boat called "Bolero" tied up across the dock from us.  It's an Olin Stephens design which has been restored to its current amazing condition.  It was for sale last year for 4 million Euros.

The detailing is outstanding.

This 164 feet Codecasa was in for some work. "Lady Ann Magee" was chartered by Rod Stewart and Penny Lancaster after their wedding.

This is the 156 feet Pendennis "MITseaAH".  It's been for sale at a trifling $18.9 million. 

Lots of goodies to look at here.  Laundry tomorrow morning then we will hook up with Saving Grace for dinner tomorrow night.

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