November 2, 2013

Saturday in Norfolk

Never got any answer from this marina regarding the raw water pump but found out that once they start going (ie. dripping) you're best changing them for new.  So I will be ordering two new ones and having them sent to a marina down the line.  With some luck we should have a new alternator and the generator fixed by Monday and we can depart for Coinjock Tuesday.

Charlie and Bonnie from Sonata, our friends from the trip two years ago, have generously left their car for our use this weekend.  I see more wine in our future....

Did a bit of cleaning and waxing today.  Quite happy with the results but then the before was pretty bad!

While we have been here a flotilla of sail boats have been assembling for a trip from here to Tortolla in the Caribbean.  They left today.  They left a lot of gaps in the marina as well as improving our WiFi connection by removing their masts!  Some of them were gorgeous like this Nautors Swan 80:

Others looked a bit like Captain Ron's entry:

We decided to take stroll around old Portsmouth and do a few bars. After Barons and Roger Brown's we went into the Bier Garden again. Neat owner! Loads of German beers if you like that kind of thing.

But, for the keen eyed who know Cornwall's, look what was on tap;

Parked on the street was a replica:

No idea where this originates from but it surely isn't original! [Edit:  They are making them again!]

The light this evening was perfect.  Cocktails on the bow.

Thus how they shroud the US warships while they are working on them:

Underneath, they look like this:

More later....


  1. What a great adventurous day! Looks like a gorgeous evening too :)

  2. AAHHHH! But the Captain Ron's vessel is missing the two babes!!! - not that I would notice!

  3. Beautiful lines on the swan, hmmm beeeer


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