November 1, 2013

Still here in Portsmouth

The good alternator from two bad ones didn't work.  It gave out too much voltage and wasn't stable. I rejected it and asked for a new one. It arrives Monday along with someone to install the new generator injectors and cleaned glow plugs   We also have a leaking raw water pump to see to!  Dinner with our friends from 3 years ago was terrific.  Borrowed his car to restock the wine rack.  Rainy but warm afternoon here today.  Cooling down over the next couple of days.


  1. Atta boy KT - glad you have your priorities right - restock the vino, to hell with the groceries!!! hahahahaha

    Better to stay put and get everything fixed up now.

    chat later


  2. I hope you two enjoyed your stay at Ocean Marine in Portsmouth, I enjoyed the both of you being around, and would love if you made Portsmouth a stop on your way back up to Canada. You two are great and I will be following your blog.

    Have safe travels to and from wherever the water takes you, until next time, your Portsmouth Dockhand



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