November 24, 2013

In Florida finally!

 Last views of Georgia:

We set out from Brunswick Hidden Harbor Marina at about 8am.  This was a  very protected, serene and friendly marina.  We thought about stopping for another day but the forecast of gales after today was enough to make us push into the next state. We will go back for a longer stay.

These guys were resting after a hard morning of fishing:

Although this was a short run of only 50 miles we ran against the tide for more than half the day.  It was a very warm day with little wind. Our last views of Georgia (sorry, no pictures) were of the huge submarine base at St Mary's.

First views of Florida:

The border is just north of Fernandina Beach which is where we had booked into the Harbor Marina.  So did everyone else it seems due to the impending gales.  They had us placed behind the breakwater so we would be well protected.  The dock hands said we should be seeing the waves over the dock during the storm.

This was the water looked from Dream Weaver yesterday:

...and this morning, half an hour ago:

Trouble is that this wind is forecast to stay like this for a few days!

1 comment:

  1. GEEE! And I thought our six-day pull to get to Texas was long!!!! :):):):)


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