November 21, 2013

Delegal Creek on Skidaway Island

Depressed without our cruising companions we headed south to Delegal Creek Marina.  It's only 20 miles south but breaks the long run to Brunswick into a more manageable chunk.  And, as it turns out, this marina is a gem.  It is very private, tranquil and convenient.  It exists as part of The Landings project in Georgia.  A huge golfing community.  This site has more than 7000 folks living in its grounds.  It is from the water, remote.

It is also a first class marina with all the facilities we expect and some more.

They also have a major problem with Grackles this time of year so they adorn their boats with distractions.

We landed here and took the complementary golf cart to the village store for some provisions and the Bar and Grill for lunch.

Then a glass of wine while the sun sets.

An early start tomorrow for the hike to Brunswick, our last stop before crossing into Florida.

1 comment:

  1. ya know you're retired when! your means of transportation is a golf cart!!! tooo funnny.



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