July 9, 2016

Day 12 - Charleston SC

Last night we were invited to Joe and Paula's sailboat for cocktails where we met their friends from Gatineau.  We had fun exchanging experiences over quite a few glasses of wine.

This morning we started a little earlier expecting a longer day than we usually do.  Beaufort SC to Charleston is 65 miles which at a fuel miserly 1200rpm got us in to Tolers Cove around 3:45pm. Better than I thought but I had upped the revs a couple of hundred.  During the cruise we encountered very strong thunderstorms for a couple of hours as we approached Charleston.

For a while we were navigating only by radar and chartplotter and the radar couldn't see much because of the rain! Thankfully it passed before we entered Charleston though, as I write, we are expecting more.  We did not stay at the Mega dock this time; opting instead for a smaller marina just past the city and better for our onward journey to Georgetown.  But here is the Mega dock as we passed today, all 1600 feet of her, with many mega yachts including one with our own Crystal chef on board!

Spooky was very disinterested with impending thunderstorms.  

This marina seems mostly to attend to local's sport fishing boats:

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