July 18, 2016

Day 21 - Alligator River Marina, Columbia, NC

The stay at River Forest was great.  Now we run to Coinjock via Alligator River.  The water here looks like Coca Cola.  I have heard the tannins that cause the colour also melt the calcium deposits you collect in salt water.  We will see.

Jo took some time at the wheel...

...while Spooky dozed on one of her special places

..and I tried to catch a few shots of F-15s on the Dare County Bombing Range here.

Two of the better ones:

Alligator Marina is another keeper.  In the sticks and next to a gas station but a nice location and good stop before Coinjock.

A better view...

Spooky hasn't seen accessible grass for a while.  She got some and hasn't thrown up yet!

Coinjock tomorrow!

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