July 17, 2016

Day 20 - Belhaven, NC

62 miles today to River Forest Marina, Belhaven, NC. We haven't stopped here before.  The marina went bust a few years ago and has been taken over and the reviews said it was going well.  It is.  Here we are; the boat is wearing its travelling moustache now.

The docks, electricity and WiFi are all first class.  So are the marina facilities.  All reno'd perfectly.

Henry is the dockmaster and, I imagine, one of the architects of the renovation.

Also part of the property is the old mansion which has also been perfectly renovated.

Check out the tree!

Perfect location for afternoon cocktails:

Dream Weaver at rest next to a Selene trawler:

Tomorrow is Alligator River Marina. But for now, here is sunset at Belhaven River Forest Marina:

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