July 16, 2016

Day 18 and 19 - Morehead City

A longer run up to Morehead City  saw us in at 2:30pm.  This is our third time here and we like it a lot. Well protected, well serviced, courtesy car.  We used our extra day to re provision, clean fenders, renew charts on the chart plotter, reset a link to the laptop to show AIS targets.  All done. This is a 1948 Huckins, lovingly restored, in our marina.

We are at on the transient dock which is not bad at all.

Right next door is one of the best restaurants we have been to, Floyds 1921.  Just an excellent find for the third time! 

And after using the courtesy car to re provision, we went or Ruddy Duck to advertise for Joe again!

Spooky seems to remember this place. she's been very normal today.

Until it was time to sleep...

We never heard any of the guys leave for charters this morning.  But they came back late afternoon.

Long run tomorrow.  L8R.

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