July 22, 2016

Day 25 - To Kilmarnock, VA

We rose early and got underway at 7:30  after this ocean going ship passed our marina.

Leaving Portsmouth is always interesting for defence folks like me.  We get to look close up at all kinds of US Navy hardware.  This is USS Arlington, LPD-24. Some of her steel came from the twin towers.

This next one is DDG 96, USS Bainbridge.  Seems to have had an "Oops".  Not the only one one if you look her up on Google. Recently had a fireworks and gambling scandal to deal with.

The port also has an extensive container capability on both sides of the river.

This is LSD-51, USS Oak Hill just returning to port from Panama as we passed.

And this is USS Harry S Truman, CVN 75.  She returned from the Persian Gulf July 13th hence why all the flags are out.

Then 6 hours of rocky-rolly passage up the Chesapeake to Kilmarnock, Virginia and we are in port again.

Tomorrow is a similar length passage to Soloman Island.

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