July 6, 2016

Day 9 - Thunderbolt (Savannah) Georgia

We booked in to the Morningside Marina Bahia Bleu as our preferred Thunderbolt Marina was full.  They asked us to arrive late afternoon as transients go on the fuel dock.  We tried.  I left as late as I could to ensure there was enough tide to pass through Hell's Gate, a notoriously bad half mile for shoaling.  We then idled most of the way but got the best of most of the tides and arrived at 2:30.  They took us in ok, so here we are.  A few steps from Tubby's!

A beer, wine and supper at Tubby's is always fun. Our bartender was Gretchen.

This was the point at which a whole bottle of good Tequila was dropped to spread an aroma over the whole bar:

And this is Peggy and Alex with whom we had a great time.

Tomorrow we head for Beaufort SC and another state.

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