May 15, 2011

Annapolis, Maryland

The sailing centre of the USA they say.  Lots of activity as we approached.  We are tied up alongside some expensive company here. No news to report.  We picked up groceries via a taxi to a local drug store.  The grocery store closed at 4pm!  We head further north tomorrow up to the Chesapeake-Delaware Canal.  The next day we will traverse the Canal and head south briefly towards Cape May, New Jersey.  There is still no news as to when the Oswego Canal will open.  Parts opened on the 14th but the parts we need (Oswego Canal) are not open.  With the Champlain Canal in the same situation we have no Plan B (Jamie).  We watch daily for Notices to Mariners on the status of the canal.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, good to hear today had no issues :-) how has the weather been? Xoxo


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