May 25, 2011

Pressing on

I made calls to Erie and Oswego Canal lockmasters this morning.  The Canals are open to Brewerton (Erie) but closed thereafter so we can not get to Lake Ontario.  

My laptop should be here this afternoon.  I really appreciate the effort my Company has made to assist me to work from here.   However, we have had to call once more on Martin who has, once more, come through.  He is going to drive one of our cars down to wherever we make it to late next week so Jo can drive back to go back to work.  Thank you, sincerely, Martin!

We plan to move up to New York tomorrow.  The Atlantic forecast looks reasonable.  I am trying to make a reservation in Hoboken.


  1. Happy Birthday Dad!! Some good news, but still lots of patience required I guess :-s. Is Martin going to be staying with you on the boat to help you through the rest of the way and the locks? Best wishes and thank heavens for amazing friends!! xoxo

  2. Well, well, BOYB (Birthday on Your Boat!) I hope Sis has a great present for you! Happy Birthday young fellow!!! :):):):) Have a sip for me!

    Looks like things are working out for you! I was concerned for a while there.

    From the weather maps, though, it looks like major rain is passing through Ontario and Northern Ohio and New York today and tonight - not good for canals. Maybe it will dissipate before you get there.

    Blessings on you both!!!

  3. Glad your ‘big’ day worked out! Ya gotta make the best of the situation and sounds like you did! Whoooo Hoooo. It’s a journey of a lifetime, your pre-retirement test – too bad Jo can’t stay on. Unplanned events (ie weather, canal not opening) happen – it’s part of the trip and you guys are dealing with it perfectly. And you know if Martin couldn’t have been so accommodating, I’m sure El would have showed up with her dingy, or Brennie & Moose, even I would have considered cancelling my bike trip too to help you out! NOT!!!!! We would not have left you alone.

    Travel and delays happen all the time, kudos to your company.


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