May 14, 2011

Bordering Maryland

Being in Norfolk allowed me to see the benefits of the AIS VHF radio I bought.  I connected both the GPS and the AIS output from my VHF radio to a Bluetooth multiplexor which links to my laptop charting software. This picture shows a container ship being positioned by two tugs in to its berth in Norfolk:

This situation is shown on my laptop thus (click the image for a larger one):

The large green object is the container ship with the two small green triangles as the tugs positioning him.  We are the small yellow triangle proceeding north up the channel.  AIS returns that could conflict with us are shown in red, stationary objects are grey.  Cool system!

As we left Norfolk, one of the new San Antonio Class Ships left its berth for the Atlantic.  Shows up as "US GOVT SHIP" on the AIS.  She is LPD-21, USS New York, made, at least partly, from 9/11 steel.

We had a fairly good run up to our current location.  The seas were from our starboard rear.  Not easy to steer a good coarse but not hard to bear like the head seas we had wshen we tried offshore the other day.

We are now in Smith Point Marina tucked away very quietly:

This place is very sheltered and very quiet.  I said very quiet! Tomorrow we head for Annapolis.  We have a reservation in the City marina.  That will be much more active.

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