May 3, 2011

Cleaning and Installing

The holding tank was repaired yesterday but the gear for the batteries didn't arrive early enough to install today.  Everything is here now so the install of three batteries and the new charger will occur tomorrow morning.  We did mange to clean a good proportion of the boat and Jo laid the carpet on the aft deck.  

 I did connect our new radio to the GPS so, in an emergency, we can hit a button and send a distress call with our position automatically.  Given our history that seems like a good idea.

Everything is coming together except getting home to our jobs, Spooky the cat and our new marina.  And I thought I had a conservative schedule.  Could I have predicted how much would have gone wrong?

1 comment:

  1. Miss you guys!!! You'll be home soon and wishing you were back on the boat ;-) And Spooky will be ALL over you!! Now STOP with the problems!! Love you xoxo


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