May 28, 2011

Kingston, NY

If anyone is interested I took a video while we were on our way in fog to New York.

We had an issue this morning.  I checked the engine oil and found the starboard engine had burst an oil pressure transducer and was weeping oil into the bilge.  We had lost a few quarts.  It took a couple of hours to clean up and plug the transducer.  All instruments are reading fine so I am not sure what that transducer did. But I will definitely track it down.  We made Kingston ok and I phoned around and found 6 gallons of suitable oil.  I had two on board that I put in the starboard engine before we left this morning.  We will stay a day in Kingston for a reading day to do with my work and to do some groceries (Jo, while I read).  I figure this might put us better in time with folks rushing through the tomorrow open Canals.

The route to Kingston was very nice but the river was still full of winter debris.  The harbour here is perfect.

It is Memorial Day weekend here so everyone is decked out in their patriotic colours.


  1. The video is great! Nice gadgets ;-) Praying for a quick and easy fix of the oil issue. Check the flux capacitor ;-) xoxo

  2. Cool guys! Check it out, have a rest, and prepare for the final push!

    I am in Dauphin tomorrow but will be home by our supper time if you have good WiFi where you are. I will check to see if you are on SKYPE!!!!


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