May 31, 2011

Schenectady Yacht Club

We are into the Erie Canal and its lock system.  

Here's an idea of the process to approach enter and transit...

We transited seven locks today including the one and only Hudson Lock at Troy.  We are now in Schenectady Yacht Club.  It is a Cooperative type operation.  Nice pool, great folks.  Filled with Diesel after they were able to restock at 4.19 per gallon.  Cool spot.  Actually managed to do some work today.  Quiet, hot and good to read in air conditioned cabin on our boat.

Tomorrow we head to St Johnsville....


  1. This sounds like work!

    How do you like Schenectady now that you can say it? :):):):)

  2. You are getting closer and closer :D I is getting sooooo excited!!!! :D xoxoxo


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