May 13, 2011

Portsmouth, VA

Yesterday we stayed in Coinjock.  The Blogster has been down all day so this is a catch-up posting.

Our last place in North Carolina.  Great restaurant.  We were tightly packed in as a cruise "ship" did not leave on schedule.  This is how tightly:

They had a great restaurant there so Jo was spared  galley detail. 

We set out at 0730 for Portsmouth in sequence with the other boats on the dock from the rear as no one wanted to leave unless stern or bow was clear. We made Portsmouth around 1545.  The approaches to Portsmouth are not as scenic as others:

The marina here is good though and one Aegis cruiser left the dockyard this morning for our viewing pleasure.  But there were a couple of problems to sort out.  What else is new?

Our starboard engine did not start immediately out of Coinjock.  Reminded me of the engine failure we had coming into Clewiston.  So I had a mechanic come in and install the spare relay I bought.  Then one head would not flush properly but that problem cleared itself.  Then I found out that our sump (there are two on board looking after grey water fore and aft) breaker was tripped.  That turned out to be a shorted sump pump.  I had noticed that this boat has a number of identical sump/bilge pumps so I had bought two spares.  Good move!  I fixed that as access was possible.
The real breakthrough is that they had an electrician who, between him tracing and measuring and me reading circuit diagrams and schematics, managed to correct the generator wiring so it can be started and stopped without going into the engine room.  This is a major advance!

Tomorrow we will head out for Patuxent River.


  1. Looks like and interesting couple of days. Luckily the issues were quick fixes :) I am assuming you got some great pictures of the ships? Can't wait to see your pictures of this adventure when you return. xoxo

  2. Well, not exactly quick but fixes nevertheless.


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