May 2, 2011

The Saga continues

First the holding tank: It is the tank that holds our toilet waste and is essential for cruising.  To pump it out a vacuum unit is attached to the outside of the boat and it lterally sucks the waste off-board.  My boat has a holding tank where the outlet is on the top and a tube extends down to the bottom of the tank.  The tube has broken off so it can only draw air.  Should be fixed this afternoon.

Second, I have been wondering about how well the port side batteries are holding a charge so we checked that as well.  You guessed it, they need to be replaced.  At the same time I will install a more modern and efficient charger.  All of that should arrive and be installed tomorrow.

But this marina is superb so we could not have been stranded again in a better place. We will clean and install other stuff I brought with me.


  1. Dream Weaver is going to be brand new by the time you get home!! Meanwhile I hope you are enjoying nice weather. Is Jo having fun cleaning? ;-) xoxo

  2. I just returned from Brandon getting my eye done and happily expecting to hear how well today went. What a downer to find you still stuck. BUT, BRIGHT SIDE, great marina and a chance to accomplish other stuff.

    Chin up guys - up not out! :):):):):)

  3. I trust you are still having fun? Holy Geese, I might have abandoned ship by now. I hope that all your troubles are behind you. Good luck to you both.


  4. They have the intestinal fortitude to fight through adversity and triumph in the end!!

    Yeah Harper Majority! :):):):):)


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