May 9, 2011

Pungo River

We are in the Dowry Creek Marina on the Pungo River.  It's here:

Steady progress based on the New York State canals not opening until May 23rd.  But we are watching that closely.  We will probably stay here two nights.  It is very quiet, rustic and has all the things we need and a car to go to the grocery store.

Seems like a popular spot for those trecking north...


  1. Grocery Store? When I was a kid in Toronto Dad used to take me with him for Dad's "groceries!"

    Glad to see you had a nice trip and are taking another rest!

  2. Hey! WEB site pictures look far more refined than Tucker Picture of slips! $1.50 per foot - WOW!! It is a good thing that boaters are rich! :):):):):)

  3. Looks great Dad :) Are you finding some travel friends to link up with along the way? Have a great day tomorrow relaxing :) xoxo

  4. Enjoy your extended holiday...Tulips are slowly coming up in Ottawa, grass is green!


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