May 18, 2011

Sleepless in Bohemia! - Update

The wind and waves turned this nice little spot into a noisy night with waves slapping against the boat.  Yesterday Jo continued working through the boat cleaning up blinds etc.  I used the time to remove some electronics that were not working and their associated wiring.  Things are looking much more tidy behind the helm console.  I also reset the radar and it is working perfectly.  We are going to try to move to Delaware Bay today if they have room.  This will be more protected as this wind is supposed to continue today and abate over the following days as the low pressure system moves out into the Atlantic.  Delaware Bay is also at the end of the Chesapeake - Delaware Canal so affords us some progress while we wait for the weather to improve.

Update:  We had a very efficient cruise to Delaware City and are now in their Marina.  Very quiet, no slapping on the hull.  Should sleep well tonight.  No news on Canals but we heard there has been still more rain!

1 comment:

  1. The rain seems to have stopped here, and is suppose to be sunny all weekend, but it had been raining since last Friday :s sending vibes to the canals to open ;-) xoxo


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